Saturday, September 20, 2014


I admit it, I procrastinate...sometimes a lot.

I don't procrastinate when it comes to the small stuff or things I hate to do, but when it comes to stuff that I actually enjoy doing or want to do (normally), I procrastinate...weird, right?

I am talking about this because there are times when I want to write on Kho and I actually enjoy doing it, but then I procrastinate and before you know it, the time that I had to work on Kho is gone.  I don't know why I do this but I do.

I do know that my best stuff comes from rushing to finish something.  I get my best ideas, my best writing and my best work done when I have a deadline to meet and it is just around the corner.  My professor in my sociology class in college once told me, after I admitted to writing a paper in just one night, that he never would have guessed it by the way the work had come across to him.  It was A+ material and he could have sworn that I had spent weeks on it. (We had 6 weeks to do the report.)

My hope is that my writing will eventually get me off my lazy ass and move forward to completion of the stories in my head beyond Kho.  I know, I have to do it myself and not rely on just my writing to get me moving...

Still, I need to look into why I am this way about the stuff I enjoy doing.

But maybe, just maybe, I will wait on that a bit...

Monday, September 15, 2014

My interview.

So has an awesome little feature that allows authors to answer set questions and even make a few of our own to act as an "interview".  So here is mine.  Take a look and let me know if you want any other questions answered on there.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Coming soon

This blog is under construction. Why don't you go download the free sample of the first part of my book? Get it here at Smashwords.